Perseverance in the face of failure

This Week's Question

Ask yourself, "What's a time in which you faced failure and stared it down?”

Podcast of the Week

Daniel Todd was in danger of his business failing because they were $3M in debt.

But despite all the problems, something happened that led him to take a big change and test a new idea.

He convinced his investors to give him MORE MONEY to try it out, and they believed in him.

This lead his business in a few short years to be on track to hit $70M in 2023!

In this interview, you will learn:

  • What was his new idea

  • How he changed his business model to make growth more sustainable and reliable

  • Some huge problems he faced with the government two times over

Listen to the podcast here:

Personal Update

The response to the newsletter has been fantastic, so we're moving forward with putting more effort into making it greater.

I've gotten back to Portugal at the worst time possible because the Pope is here this week, and he brought around 1M tourists with him, which has lead to intense chaos!

We've just crossed 200,000 lifetime views/downloads between YouTube and audio platforms, so we're now opening up the podcast to sponsors. We'll be using 100% of the sponsorship money for now to place paid ads that will enable our platform to grow fast, so if you know of any companies that would be a good fit, please let us know at [email protected]

You NEED to Read This

James Clear's Atomic Habits is an incredible book about how to change your identity instead of your desire to achieve some goal so you can actually focus on becoming who you want to be (which lets you achieve those goals much faster and more successfully).

You can pick up the book here: (I’m an affiliate)

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See you next week!

~ Sean Weisbrot, Founder/CEO, We Live to Build


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